How to Transfer a Year End Paystub to a W2 Form
Updated: Mar 15, 2025
Complete Boxes A through F. These boxes collect identifying data on the employee and the employer.
In Box A type your Social Security number.
In Box B type type your employer’s identification number (EIN). The EIN is a nine-digit number, usually with a hyphen after the first two numbers.
In Box C type the full name of the company for which you worked and type the address, including zip code.
Box D is for a control number. This box may be left blank.
In Box E type your first name, your middle initial and your last name.
In Box F type your complete address, including zip code. The address entered on your W-2 should be the same as the address on your pay stub. If your address has changed, fill out the appropriate forms with your employer. Locate the year-to-date total pay on your pay stub.
Copy this number into Box 1Â wages, tips, other compensation on your W-2 form. Find the section called “Taxes” on your pay stub. Locate “Federal Income Tax” and copy the year-to-date figure into Box 2. This is the amount of federal income tax that was withheld from your earnings by your employer. Your employer remits this money to the Internal Revenue Service.
Check under the summary of your earnings for an item indicating Social Security wages. If there is no separate total for Social Security earnings, then the amount that goes into Box 3 is the same amount that is in Box 1. The reason the two numbers may be different is because Social Security taxes are not paid on earnings above a set amount. The maximum taxable earnings for Social Security purposes varies from year to year. Check with the Social Security Administration for the maximum taxable earnings for the year of reporting. This information is available online at the Social Security Administration website.
Locate the year-to-date Social Security withheld from your earnings and type the amount into Box 4.
Copy the amount from Box 1 into Box 5. There is no maximum taxable income for Medicare purposes. Therefore, total earnings is subject to Medicare taxes.
Locate the year-to-date Medicare taxes withheld from your earnings and type the amount into Box 6.
Enter information on tips in Boxes 7 and 8. In Box 7, type the dollar amount of tips reported to your employer, if applicable. This amount is already included in your total earnings in Box 1. In Box 8 enter the amount of tips allocated to you by your company, if applicable. This amount is a percentage of gross income of the company. If you had no earnings from tips, these two boxes may be left blank.
Enter the amount of any Earned Income Credits (EIC) already paid to you in Box 9. Taxpayers who qualify for the Earned Income Credit may receive a portion of this allowance prior to filing taxes by completing Form W-5.
Enter the amount paid to you by your employer for day-care expenses in Box 10. If the amount paid to you for day-care expenses is above the maximum allowed for tax exempt purposes, then the excess has already been included in your total earnings. Complete Form 2441 when filing your taxes.
Enter any amount for a non-qualified deferred compensation plan or non-governmental Section 457 plan in Box 11.
Enter the amount of any 401 (k) contributions, non-taxable sick pay or other item listed on your pay stub with a letter code in Box 12a. If you have more than one qualifying deduction, enter amounts in boxes 12b, 12c or 12d. Letter codes are listed in the instructions for Form W-2.
Check the appropriate square in Box 13, if applicable. Statutory employees are employees who are subject to employee withholding of Medicare and Social Security taxes but not income taxes. Statutory employees may file as self-employed for income tax purposes, allowing such employees to deduct costs of doing business. You may check “Retirement plan” if you contributed to a retirement plan with your company. Check “Third-party sick pay” if you received compensation under your employer’s plan while you were out on sick leave.
Enter any other amount of non-taxable earned income listed on your pay stub in Box 14 other.
Enter the abbreviation for the state in which you earned income and enter the employer’s state identification number in Box 15.
Locate your state income taxes withheld. Typically, the state income tax is identified with the name of your state abbreviated and the words “income tax” following the abbreviations. For instance, if you earned income in North Carolina, the state income tax withheld is stated after the heading “NC Income Tax.” Copy the figure into Box 16; state wages, tips, etc.
Locate the state income tax withheld from the summary section of your pay stub and enter the amount in Box 17.
Locate any local wages stated on your pay stub. If you are subject to local wage taxes, enter the amount of the year-to-date local wages in Box 18.
Enter the year-to-date total income tax withheld in Box 19.
Enter the name of the locally for which you paid taxes in Box 20.