How to Plan an Application Letter

Anyone who is serious about searching for a job knows the importance of a resume. However, this is not the only tool you should have when applying for a job. An application letter, or cover letter, is imperative to submit with your resume. Your cover letter creates a first impression by providing a potential employer an introduction about yourself and the qualifications you possess for the job. By taking time to create an outstanding cover letter, you will increase your chances of getting the job you’ve always wanted.

Search for a job

Browse through newspaper or online postings or advertisements and read the information carefully. If you do not think you are fully qualified for the position, don’t apply. Busy employers read through hundreds of letters from interested candidates, so don’t waste their time or yours by sending your information if you don’t believe you are right for the job.

Match your cover letter to your resume

The letterhead style of your cover letter should match or complement the style of your resume. While this is not essential, it does help to establish a great first impression. Your effort will show the employer you took the time to polish and complete your application.

Create a heading

The heading should include important contact information such as your name, address, telephone number and email address. Leave a full line space and write the full date. Skip down another space and write all the contact information you have for the potential employer: Include the name, title and address of the company. If you don’t know the name of the person to address your application to, call the company and ask the receptionist or research the company’s website. If you can’t tell the gender by the first name, address the person using the first and last name only, instead of using, for example, Mr. or Ms. If you still cannot find a name, address the letter to a group.

Write an introduction

You should catch the employer’s attention right away and make him or her want to read more. Follow the salutation with a reason why you are a good candidate for this position.

Be as specific as possible

If you are a student, mention the name of the college you are attending and your major. Tell the employer where you found the job notice and mention any contact you know within the company. Remember to always include the position you are applying for.

Make a strong case for yourself

Be as convincing as possible and discuss the ways in which your skills and abilities match the needs of the position. Include two or three qualifications which you will expand upon in the body of your letter.

Write the body of the letter

This is where you show your employer why you are the perfect match for the position. Show that you are qualified for the position and illustrate these qualifications specifically. Remember to back up these skills and think of this part of the letter as a story. Describe your experiences or your skills and always mention specific places and positions. If you have completed any special projects in school, received awards for high-quality work (only if it relates to the position) or achieved significant accomplishments, mention them. However, don’t quote your resume word for word.

End with a closing

This last part of your letter sums up everything you have discussed above and also tells the employer what your plans are when they have finished reviewing your application. Close with a reminder of why you are a great match, request an interview and provide contact information and times when they can reach you. Always remember to thank the employer for taking the time.

Leave another line space or two, sign your letter and print your name underneath your signature.

Double-check your letter

Proofread it entirely and do a spell check to make sure everything is perfectly correct. If you don’t, the employer might view you careless or lacking drive and ambition.Print your letter. Use a heavier paper and a solid laser or ink-jet printer.

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