Household Acne Treatments

Household acne treatments are effective, natural and inexpensive. There are many powerful acne treatments that are healing and beneficial to the skin, and potent in healing acne lesions.

Here are a few of the most powerful household acne treatments available:

1. Baking soda – Baking soda is very alkaline and is the No. 1 household acne treatment in your kitchen. It kills Candida bacteria and prevents your skin from creating more flare-ups. To use baking soda as a skin treatment, simply mix about a teaspoon of baking soda with a little but of water and make a paste. Massage this paste gently around freshly washed skin and rinse.

2. Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is available at any health food store or natural foods market. In studies, tea tree oil has been proven to be as or more effective that benzoyl peroxide in fighting acne. To use tea tree oil, lightly soak a cotton swab in the oil and dab it directly on the acne spots. Don’t use too much; a little bit is all you will need.

3. Oatmeal – Not only is oatmeal wonderful to eat, but it can also help to heal your acne skin conditions. Oatmeal is a wonderful gently exfoliant. Simply grind about 1 cup of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix it with enough water to form a paste. Massage the oatmeal on your freshly washed skin and rinse.


It is a misconception that you need to strip your skin of its natural oils to heal acne. Quite the opposite is true. If your skin senses that it has a depletion of oils, it will start to generate even more oil to compensate for this loss. The result can be more acne and more problems. In order to stop or even reverse this cycle, make sure that you do not scrub your skin when cleansing it, and never put chemical products on your face that irritate or dry the skin.

Time Frame

Whenever you start any new skin care regime, make sure you give it time to work. It can take two to three weeks before you will see significant results using household acne treatments. Although your acne will disappear faster using commercial acne products, your skin will be healthier and less irritated using household acne treatments.

Expert Insight

Results take time. Always make sure that you are drinking plenty of water and getting at least eight hours of restful sleep per night. After about two to three weeks of using household acne treatments, your skin will be clear and healthy.


Always consult your physician before trying any new skin products, even household acne treatments. It is better to consult your doctor than to try a product and have a bad reaction, or to have it interfere with a medication.

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