How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture stimulates the brain to release chemicals into the body that reduce sensitivity to pain and normalize the nervous system. It can also activate nerve receptors that decrease pain signals. When acupuncture is used with electrical stimulation, it interrupts the pain signal allowing the nerve to calm down. Acupuncture increases the amount of endorphins in the body. These natural chemicals reduce inflammation that can cause, or actually be the result of, nerve pain. Acupuncture can actually unlock the body’s own pharmaceutical stores, allowing for a natural return to health.

Study on Trigeminal Nerve Pain

Treatment for trigeminal nerve pain was reported in The abstract evaluated the effect of acupuncture on 10 patients who visited an outpatient Dental Anesthesiology Clinic. No electrical stimulation was used. Half of the patients were pain free at the end of two-to-four months. The other half of the study group had a decrease in pain. It concluded that acupuncture can be a therapeutic approach in pain management for trigeminal neuralgia.

Study on Sciatica Pain

A case study of a disc herniation with sciatica is revealed on It discusses how a 24-year-old female was diagnosed with a lumbar back disc herniation and was recommended by three doctors to have surgery. She had severe low-back pain that traveled down her leg to her right foot. She also had neuropathy and tingling in that foot as well. She was only able to walk for 15 minutes at a time when she came to an acupuncture clinic in Toronto. She was already taking prescribed anti-inflammatory medications, and had also seen a chiropractor. With minimal relief from these methods, she decided to visit the acupuncture clinic the month before her scheduled surgery. After several acupuncture treatments, she postponed surgery since her leg pain decreased. Within three months, she had no back or leg pain and the only residual symptom was mild numbness in her ankle. She could return to work and avoid invasive surgery.

Acupuncture Potential

Acupuncture has the potential of treating a large number of physical and emotional symptoms. When performed properly, it is safe and has few side effects. It is over 2,000 years old and is quickly gaining popularity and respect in the Western world. It does not have to be used exclusively and can be integrated to complement other treatments.

Side Effects and Warnings

Reactions and effects may include transitory discomfort, bruising or bleeding at the site. If you have a bleeding disorder or are on blood thinners, acupuncture may not be suitable.

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